Welcome to Kamei research group, where our primary objective is to revolutionize the field of biomedical engineering by reconstructing complete human and animal bodies using cutting-edge engineering techniques. We have coined this groundbreaking field “Reverse Bioengineering.” A prime example of our work is the development of the “Body on a Chip” (BoC) system, which simulates physiological and pathological conditions of living organisms in vitro. Our innovative research has far-reaching implications for drug discovery, regenerative medicine, and wildlife conservation, opening new doors for the advancement of human and animal health.

Our group is affiliated within the Programs of Biology and Bioengineering, Divisions of Science and Engineering at New York University Abu Dhabi. Our sub-group is also affiliated within the Institute of Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS) at Kyoto University. These partnerships foster a dynamic and collaborative research environment, driving innovation and furthering our commitment to advancing the frontiers of biology and bioengineering on a global scale.

We are looking for our new colleagues (students and postdocs around the world), who are willing to break the boundaries to explore our new research. Please feel free to contact with Ken-ichiro Kamei.

To contributing to societies, we eager to establish academic-industry collaboration and technology transfer based on our research. Please visit our Patents page, and feel free to contact with Ken-ichiro Kamei.

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Get in Touch

Find us at the office

New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD)
Saadiyat Campus, #C1-032
P.O. Box 129188
Abu Dhabi, UAE

Give us a ring

Ken-ichiro Kamei
TEL: +971-2-628-4899

Contact Us
